Domain Parking 101

If you own domain names that you are not developing into full-fledged websites, you are losing money by letting them sit around inactive. If you are holding domains to sell at some point in the future, you can generate revenue from them in the meantime via domain parking. Domain parking is one of the most effortless ways to make money online. Traditionally, parking a domain simply meant that advertisements were placed on the domain page, and each time someone clicked one of the ads, you earned money. Domain parking has evolved over the years, and there are now three main ways to generate revenue from parked domains. You can take the traditional route and register with a third party domain parking service and display their advertisements, you can place your own ads on the parked domain, or you can direct traffic from the parked domain to another website you own.

Third Party Domain Parking Service

Domain parking services are perhaps the most convenient way to instantly monetize unused domain names. In order to park your domain with a third party parking service like or, you must open a free account and upload a list of all the unused domains you would like to park. The domain parking service will then automatically create a single web page at each domain and place several clickable ads on each page. The links are simply contextual advertisements that are similar to the keywords in the domain name. For instance, if you park the domain, the domain parking service will automatically display contextual ads for shipping companies on the parked webpage.

Each time a visitor arrives on your parked domain page and clicks one of the contextual advertisements, the third party domain parking service generates revenue and they will share a portion of revenue with you. The amount of money you earn per click is not the same across all domain parking services or domains you choose to park, and often times, the amount of revenue each ad click generates depends largely on the advertisement. Popular and competitive parked domains can generate several dollars each time someone clicks an advertisement. However, most clicks earn pennies on the dollar, but those small clicks eventually add up.

Although domain parking via a third party service is pretty much turnkey, there is still some flexibility in the third party domain parking process. For instance, most domain parking services allows users to customize their parked webpage and perform some basic SEO to attract more organic search engine traffic to the parked site and increase revenue.

Self-Served Advertisements on Parked Domains

Parking unused domains yourself and serving your own advertisements is a great way to generate revenue from parked domains, perhaps more revenue than you could generate from a third party domain parking service. However, this method maybe a bit more involved than the third party domain parking process.

With this domain parking option, the amount of traffic a parked domain receives is important. Third party advertisers will not pay you to place adverts on your parked domains if it does not generate a return on investment for them, so this method works best for unused domains that receive lots of type-in traffic. For example, if you own the unused domain, several people probably arrive at this domain each day by typing it directly into the address bar; this is type in traffic. On the other hand, if you own a branded domain that is named after yourself, the domain probably won't receive as much type-in traffic, but this domain parking option is still viable for these types of domains.

If you intend to park unused domains and serve advertisements yourself, you must first create a webpage or holding page to serve the advertisements. You can create this page via free content management systems like Blogger or WordPress. Once you create the webpage, you can simply place advertisements on the page if the domain receives lots of organic, natural traffic. If the domain is branded or will not generate much natural traffic on it's own, you can place search engine optimized content on the site to attract more organic traffic. The more traffic you can drive to a parked domain, the more money you can charge third parties to advertise on the parked webpage.

Generate Traffic from Parked Domains

If you own an unused domain that naturally attracts traffic and you own an additional website where you sell your own products, driving the natural traffic from the parked domain to your money site is a great way to make use of an unused domain and increase revenue at your money site. You can simply draft a thorough sales page detailing your product or service and place this content on the parked domain webpage. Then direct the traffic from your parked domain to your moneymaking website via a hyperlink.

You can also use this method to sell affiliate products and services or build an email list. You could create a squeeze page on the parked domain where visitors are given a free eBook in exchange for their email. On the back end, you can draft a series of newsletters that contain links to affiliate products and services and send these newsletters out automatically via an autoresponder. This is another great method to generate revenue from parked domains on autopilot. Once you sell the domain, you can choose to keep the email list you have built, or you could add it in as a selling feature once you decide to sell the domain.

The primary benefit of domain parking is the ability to instantly monetize unused domains with minimal effort. Domain parking is so effortless and low-maintenance, it can be a lucrative business model on its own. There really is no downside to parking domains that would otherwise remain unused, and the possibilities to generate money from parked domains are so endless, if one method does not turn a profit, you could always try another until you find one that is profitable. Even if you do not earn a fortune from parked domains, at the very least unused domains can generate enough money to cover their own registration fees and save money in your pocket.

Erin Gray is a professional author and webmaster who works for Discount Domains

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